The iStand Generation™
The iSTAND Generation™ comprises youth groups and camps across the country and other faith formation opportunities. A Generation who prove the world wrong. A Generation who do not live for themselves, but who choose to stand in unity with kingdom values.
iStand for
iStand is underpinned by a simple and heartfelt declaration:
I will go against the tide by taking a stand for God and being a witness to my generation.
I will hold to the truth that I am unconditionally loved by God regardless of my perceived successes or failures.
I choose to trust in the Lord even when I make mistakes or when everything in life appears to go wrong.
I desire to make life choices that reflect the truth that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
I desire to have a heart for the poor and needy, and commit to helping them in tangible ways.
I surrender my hopes, dreams and plans to God, that he may lead me in the path He would have me follow.